Tax Payments

The following options are available to make your tax payment.  We accept cash, check or money orders. We now accept debit/credit cards.

In Person:  Payments may be made Monday through Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Drop Box:  If you wish to pay after the office closed, there is a drop box located at the front entrance of the Township Hall.  (Payments put into the drop box after office hours will be posted the next business day.)

Reminder!!  Postmarks are not considered payment dates, so please mail early.  Unfortunately, we cannot waive the late fee if it should arrive late.

If your mortgage company pays your taxes, your statement will read, "Copy of this bill has been sent to mortgage provider."  If you no longer own the parcel, please forward it to the new owners or send it back to us with the new owner's name and address if the information is known.

Stamped self-addressed envelopes needed for mailing of tax receipts.  We will no longer be mailing out tax receipts unless a stamped self-addressed envelope is enclosed.  Keep the top portion of your bill for your records.  If a paid receipt is desired, please send your entire tax bill along with a self-addressed stamped envelope.  When paying in person, please bring your entire bill in to the township and we will stamp it for you.

RESOURCE RECOVERY CARDS will only be sent to you if a stamped self-addressed envelope is enclosed.  Cards will be available any time during business hours.

You can check your tax amounts at



Board of Review


The Board of Review meets each year in March for annual review.  

The March Board of Review is the only Board that reviews assessment by appeal.

Board of Review is also called into session for the purposes of:  mutual mistake of fact - clerical errors, filing of poverty exemptions and homestead corrections.  These sessions are advertised in the local newspaper.

You can meet the Board of Review by making an appointment or you can protest your assessment by letter. If you have any questions regarding your assessment, please call 681-9874.