Gries Memorial Park (South Park) - 1858 - 142nd Ave
North Park - 1855 - 142nd Ave
Moline Park - Corner of 144th Ave and Park St
Park Rentals
Beginning the first day of January, the Dorr Township Parks Commission will begin accepting reservations for the park pavilions for the current year. Reservations will be made on a first come, first serve basis by calling 681-9874 or visiting the Township Office located at 4196 18th Street.
Veteran Monument Bricks
There is still plenty of room to add bricks to honor our Veterans. Forms are available at the township office. The cost of the bricks are $65 for a 4x8 (3 lines with up to 14 spaces per line) and $80 for a 8x8 (5 lines with up to 14 spaces per line).
4 x 8 Veteran Brick.pdf 8 x 8 Veteran Brick.pdf
Veteran's Monument
North Park Pavilion

Skate Park

Disc Golf

Check out the YouTube Video below
YouTube Link North Park, Dorr , Michigan
Parks Commission
Amanda Winters - Mike Garland - Laura Bird - Vacant - Vacant
Email us at dorrparks@gmail.com
Dorr Recreation - dorrrec.org
If you have any questions regarding sign-ups or game schedules you can e-mail the Dorr Recreation at dorrrecreation@gmail.com. Dorr Recreation is a separate entity from the Township and Parks.